
We are experience architects who solve problems and grow business

Who We Are

We are a company with 300 employees who have one thing in common. They all love to make websites!

To be honest the first paragraph is not true. Webdevine is not a company with 300 employees.

The real story is that my name is Ferdy, and I make tutorials about WordPress related stuff. In this case, a website made with Elementor Pro.

Since I do not want to give free things that are bad I do my best to create beautiful templates for you so you can import them, but if I only use lorum ipsum text, it can look a bit odd. That is why I am creating custom text. So, that is the truth. I hope you enjoy this tutorial and free templates.

I enjoy making these tutorials. I learn a lot of new stuff 🙂

What We Stand For

We live together for 8 hours per day, 5 days per week, so we spend a lot of time together. We do our best to make this a place where people can flourish, so they are happy and get along with other people easily.

We only hire people that add value to the team. We do not just hire great designers and marketers but people with passion to make awesome projects.

We want to surprise our clients with the end result. But not only that, we want to finish a project that will bless and grow the company of the project. That is why we ofter take a look at a project again and see how we can make it even better.

You can see right through us!

Our Team


Our Barber
John is always happy. He likes to cut our hair.


Winstons is the funny guy! He always makes us laugh! He is a huge fan of the soccer club B.V. Veendam that was taken out of the soccer world in 2002. But since he has a tattoo of that club symbol he still supports them.


Dave is the founder of WebDev, not that was Ferdy. But Dave is the face of WebDevine because he looks amazing.


This look of Cindy is how she looks all the time. Also when she laughs or cries, this is still the look we get from her. Her look can make water boil.


Emma works here for 124 years. She was in the back when Adaline had the accident at the weather and now see does not grow old. She is fabulous!


Sometimes we call our own company because it is so nice to talk to Rachel.


Brittany is the CFO. Corporate Federal Officer. She takes care of the drinks while the rest works. We believing in serving leadership.


We offered Gwenn a job but she had such an amazing time as an intern, that she decided to stay one. After work, she plays guitar on the streets and in that way makes more money than the rest of us combined.